Do not refresh this page. It may change. Updated: 2024-07-27T03:00+00:00

Archive Link(Good for 3 months)

NA/EU price data only
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Normal Guides: Artificing

Initial Cost
Expected Recovery
- 19180
Expected Final Cost

10 Powerful Potion of Inquest Slaying - Sold for 106 per via Max Buyout
10 Powerful Potion of Dredge Slaying - Sold for 162 per via Max Buyout
51 Multicolored Ooze Tonic - Sold for 1 per via Minimum Sale Price
1 Rabid Pearl Trident - Sold for 3213 per via Max Buyout
1 Dire Pearl Trident - Sold for 3082 per via Max Buyout
1 Magi's Pearl Trident - Sold for 3428 per via Max Buyout
1 Soldier's Pearl Trident - Sold for 3331 per via Max Buyout
1 Shaman's Pearl Trident - Sold for 3395 per via Max Buyout

The API key you enter needs 'inventories' permissions for bank items and 'unlocks' for recipes.
You can generate a key here.

Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.

Name of an item and its per unit cost.
Remaining Cost


Jug of Water (8 per from Vendor)
Lump of Coal (16 per from Vendor)
Thermocatalytic Reagent (150 per from Vendor)
Remaining Cost

COLLECTIBLES(Check Bank First or Buy on TP)

Orichalcum Ingot (290 per)
Copper Ore (32 per)
Iron Ore (107 per)
Mithril Ore (56 per)
Orichalcum Ore (146 per)
Ancient Wood Plank (500 per)
Pile of Crystalline Dust (2116 per)
Glob of Ectoplasm (3825 per)
Ruby Orb (451 per)
Omnomberry (76 per)
Remaining Cost

Mixed (Buy on TP)

Unidentified Dye (350 per)
Shaman's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (135 per)
Rabid Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (137 per)
Magi's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (660 per)
Soldier's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (868 per)
Dire Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (139 per)



Make: 5 Orichalcum Trident Head
Make: 5 Ancient Trident Shaft
Make: 1 Ancient Focus Core

Omnomberry (1)
Jug of Water (1)
Unidentified Dye (1)
Pile of Crystalline Dust (1)

Make: 10 Multicolored Ooze Tonic



Jug of Water (1)
Ancient Focus Core (1)
Pile of Crystalline Dust (1)
Ruby Orb (1)


Jug of Water (1)
Mithril Ore (1)
Orichalcum Ore (1)
Pile of Crystalline Dust (1)

Make: 6 Multicolored Ooze Tonic

Orichalcum Trident Head (1)
Ancient Trident Shaft (1)
Glob of Ectoplasm (5)
Rabid Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (1)


Orichalcum Trident Head (1)
Ancient Trident Shaft (1)
Glob of Ectoplasm (5)
Dire Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (1)


Orichalcum Trident Head (1)
Ancient Trident Shaft (1)
Glob of Ectoplasm (5)
Magi's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (1)


Orichalcum Trident Head (1)
Ancient Trident Shaft (1)
Glob of Ectoplasm (5)
Soldier's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (1)


Orichalcum Trident Head (1)
Ancient Trident Shaft (1)
Glob of Ectoplasm (5)
Shaman's Orichalcum Imbued Inscription (1)


Copper Ore (100)
Iron Ore (100)
Lump of Coal (10)
Thermocatalytic Reagent (10)


Nothing. You are done!