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Fast Guides: Armorcrafting

Initial Cost
Expected Recovery
- 39327
Expected Final Cost

8 Mighty Chain Boots - Sold for 75 per via Max Buyout
15 Healing Chain Helm - Sold for 34 per via Max Buyout
3 Ravaging Splint Helm - Sold for 112 per via Max Buyout
13 Honed Splint Helm - Sold for 134 per via Max Buyout
9 Malign Chain Pauldrons - Sold for 53 per via Vendor
1 Ravaging Scale Helm - Sold for 87 per via Max Buyout
19 Cleric's Tempered Scale Helm - Sold for 151 per via Max Buyout
10 Knight's Tempered Scale Helm - Sold for 182 per via Max Buyout
9 Berserker's Barbaric Helm - Sold for 368 per via Max Buyout
19 Rampager's Barbaric Helm - Sold for 680 per via Max Buyout
1 Rampager's Gladiator Pauldrons - Sold for 1627 per via Max Buyout
1 Rampager's Gladiator Boots - Sold for 2341 per via Max Buyout
1 Rampager's Gladiator Helm - Sold for 2320 per via Max Buyout
1 Knight's Gladiator Helm - Sold for 2177 per via Max Buyout
19 Rejuvenating Scale Helm - Sold for 81 per via Max Buyout
10 Rejuvenating Scale Helm - Sold for 94 per via Max Buyout
19 Rejuvenating Splint Helm - Sold for 74 per via Max Buyout
1 Assassin's Gladiator Helm - Sold for 2304 per via Max Buyout
1 Silk Patch - Sold for 503 per via Max Buyout

The API key you enter needs 'inventories' permissions for bank items and 'unlocks' for recipes.
You can generate a key here.

Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.

Name of an item and its per unit cost.
Remaining Cost


Lump of Coal (16 per from Vendor)
Spool of Wool Thread (16 per from Vendor)
Spool of Silk Thread (48 per from Vendor)
Spool of Jute Thread (8 per from Vendor)
Spool of Linen Thread (32 per from Vendor)
Spool of Cotton Thread (24 per from Vendor)
Lump of Primordium (48 per from Vendor)


672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor
672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor
672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor

Total : 2016
Remaining Cost

COLLECTIBLES(Check Bank First or Buy on TP)

Bronze Ingot (79 per)
Iron Ore (107 per)
Mithril Ore (56 per)
Platinum Ore (159 per)
Jute Scrap (33 per)
Thick Leather Section (42 per)
Rugged Leather Section (207 per)
Wool Scrap (93 per)
Cotton Scrap (21 per)
Bolt of Cotton (21 per)
Linen Scrap (79 per)
Bolt of Linen (124 per)
Silk Scrap (20 per)
Tiny Venom Sac (5 per)
Potent Venom Sac (68 per)
Smooth Scale (382 per)
Large Scale (71 per)
Vial of Weak Blood (5 per)
Vial of Potent Blood (86 per)
Tiny Totem (5 per)
Small Totem (62 per)
Totem (311 per)
Large Claw (70 per)
Engraved Totem (388 per)
Remaining Cost

Mixed (Buy on TP)

Bronze Helmet Casing (41 per)
Bronze Pauldron Casing (100 per)
Iron Casque Casing (253 per)
Honed Embroidered Cotton Insignia (2337 per)
Ravaging Cotton Insignia (699 per)
Ravaging Wool Insignia (359 per)
Wool Patch (50 per)
Jute Patch (73 per)


Tier 1. Levels 0-75:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
15 Bronze Helmet Casing (41 per)
9 Bronze Pauldron Casing (100 per)
16 Bronze Ingot (79 per)
140 Jute Scrap (33 per)
32 Spool of Jute Thread (8 per)
72 Tiny Venom Sac (5 per)
24 Vial of Weak Blood (5 per)
45 Tiny Totem (5 per)
9 Jute Patch (73 per)

Cost: 9017 (Rolling Total: 9017)

Level: 0

Make: 70 Bolt of Jute
Make: 8 Bronze Chain Boot Lining
Make: 8 Bronze Chain Boot Panel
Make: 8 Mighty Jute Insignia

Bronze Chain Boot Lining (1)
Bronze Chain Boot Panel (1)
Mighty Jute Insignia (1)

Make: 7 Mighty Chain Boots

Level: 25

Make: 15 Bronze Helmet Lining
Make: 15 Healing Jute Insignia

Bronze Helmet Lining (1)
Bronze Helmet Casing (1)
Healing Jute Insignia (1)

Make: 14 Healing Chain Helm

Level: 50

Make: 9 Bronze Pauldron Lining
Make: 9 Malign Embroidered Jute Insignia

Bronze Pauldron Lining (1)
Bronze Pauldron Casing (1)
Malign Embroidered Jute Insignia (1)

Make: 8 Malign Chain Pauldrons

Tier 2. Levels 75-150:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
1 Iron Casque Casing (253 per)
87 Iron Ore (107 per)
158 Wool Scrap (93 per)
30 Spool of Wool Thread (16 per)
1 Ravaging Wool Insignia (359 per)
137 Small Totem (62 per)
10 Wool Patch (50 per)

Cost: 34089 (Rolling Total: 43106)

Level: 75

Make: 79 Bolt of Wool
Make: 29 Iron Ingot
Make: 30 Iron Casque Lining
Make: 29 Iron Casque Casing

Iron Casque Lining (1)
Iron Casque Casing (1)
Ravaging Wool Insignia (1)


Make: 19 Rejuvenating Wool Insignia

Iron Casque Lining (1)
Iron Casque Casing (1)
Rejuvenating Wool Insignia (1)

Make: 18 Rejuvenating Scale Helm


Make: 10 Rejuvenating Embroidered Wool Insignia

Iron Casque Lining (1)
Iron Casque Casing (1)
Rejuvenating Embroidered Wool Insignia (1)

Make: 9 Rejuvenating Scale Helm

Tier 3. Levels 150-225:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
105 Iron Ore (107 per)
38 Cotton Scrap (21 per)
70 Bolt of Cotton (21 per)
35 Lump of Coal (16 per)
35 Spool of Cotton Thread (24 per)
13 Honed Embroidered Cotton Insignia (2337 per)
3 Ravaging Cotton Insignia (699 per)
57 Totem (311 per)

Cost: 65108 (Rolling Total: 108214)


Make: 35 Steel Ingot
Make: 19 Bolt of Cotton
Make: 35 Steel Splint Helmet Lining
Make: 35 Steel Splint Helmet Casing

Steel Splint Helmet Lining (1)
Steel Splint Helmet Casing (1)
Ravaging Cotton Insignia (1)

Make: 2 Ravaging Splint Helm


Make: 19 Rejuvenating Cotton Insignia

Steel Splint Helmet Lining (1)
Steel Splint Helmet Casing (1)
Rejuvenating Cotton Insignia (1)

Make: 18 Rejuvenating Splint Helm



Steel Splint Helmet Lining (1)
Steel Splint Helmet Casing (1)
Honed Embroidered Cotton Insignia (1)

Make: 12 Honed Splint Helm

Tier 4. Levels 225-300:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
58 Platinum Ore (159 per)
200 Rugged Leather Section (207 per)
196 Linen Scrap (79 per)
19 Bolt of Linen (124 per)
279 Spool of Linen Thread (32 per)
29 Lump of Primordium (48 per)
80 Smooth Scale (382 per)
57 Engraved Totem (388 per)

Cost: 131458 (Rolling Total: 239672)


Make:100 Cured Rugged Leather Square
Make: 98 Bolt of Linen
Make: 29 Darksteel Ingot
Make: 29 Darksteel Helmet Lining
Make: 29 Darksteel Helmet Casing


Make: 19 Cleric's Linen Insignia

Darksteel Helmet Lining (1)
Darksteel Helmet Casing (1)
Cleric's Linen Insignia (1)

Make: 18 Cleric's Tempered Scale Helm


Make: 2 Linen Patch (Produces 5 per make)
Make: 10 Knight's Embroidered Linen Insignia

Darksteel Helmet Lining (1)
Darksteel Helmet Casing (1)
Knight's Embroidered Linen Insignia (1)

Make: 9 Knight's Tempered Scale Helm

Tier 5. Levels 300-400:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
70 Mithril Ore (56 per)
440 Thick Leather Section (42 per)
381 Silk Scrap (20 per)
308 Spool of Silk Thread (48 per)
102 Potent Venom Sac (68 per)
15 Large Scale (71 per)
72 Vial of Potent Blood (86 per)
15 Large Claw (70 per)

Cost: 60047 (Rolling Total: 299719)


Make:127 Bolt of Silk
Make:110 Cured Thick Leather Square
Make: 35 Mithril Ingot
Make: 31 Mithril Helmet Lining
Make: 31 Mithril Helmet Casing
Make: 1 Mithril Pauldron Casing
Make: 1 Mithril Pauldron Lining
Make: 1 Mithril Boot Casing
Make: 1 Mithril Boot Lining


Make: 19 Rampager's Silk Insignia

Mithril Helmet Lining (1)
Mithril Helmet Casing (1)
Rampager's Silk Insignia (1)

Make: 18 Rampager's Barbaric Helm


Make: 4 Silk Patch (Produces 5 per make)
Make: 9 Berserker's Embroidered Silk Insignia

Mithril Helmet Lining (1)
Mithril Helmet Casing (1)
Berserker's Embroidered Silk Insignia (1)

Make: 8 Berserker's Barbaric Helm


Make: 3 Rampager's Intricate Silk Insignia
Make: 1 Assassin's Intricate Silk Insignia
Make: 1 Knight's Intricate Silk Insignia

Mithril Pauldron Casing (1)
Mithril Pauldron Lining (1)
Rampager's Intricate Silk Insignia (1)


Mithril Boot Casing (1)
Mithril Boot Lining (1)
Rampager's Intricate Silk Insignia (1)


Mithril Helmet Lining (1)
Mithril Helmet Casing (1)
Rampager's Intricate Silk Insignia (1)


Mithril Helmet Lining (1)
Mithril Helmet Casing (1)
Knight's Intricate Silk Insignia (1)


Mithril Helmet Lining (1)
Mithril Helmet Casing (1)
Assassin's Intricate Silk Insignia (1)


Nothing. You are done!