Do not refresh this page. It may change. Updated: 2024-07-27T04:00+00:00

Archive Link(Good for 3 months)

NA/EU price data only
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Fast Guides: Tailoring

Initial Cost
Expected Recovery
- 28298
Expected Final Cost

2 威能绣边绑臂 - Sold for 42 per via Max Buyout
19 强力生徒手套 - Sold for 64 per via Max Buyout
10 肆虐生徒手套 - Sold for 79 per via Max Buyout
13 治愈绣边面具 - Sold for 28 per via Max Buyout
8 恶意绣边斗篷 - Sold for 53 per via Vendor
10 骑士飞翼长裤 - Sold for 93 per via Max Buyout
9 骑士轻羽帽甲 - Sold for 175 per via Max Buyout
19 暴怒者轻羽帽甲 - Sold for 425 per via Max Buyout
1 暴怒者假面面具 - Sold for 1449 per via Max Buyout
1 骑士假面面具 - Sold for 2414 per via Max Buyout
19 传教士飞翼帽甲 - Sold for 96 per via Max Buyout
1 暴怒者假面手套 - Sold for 2420 per via Max Buyout
1 骑士假面手套 - Sold for 2449 per via Max Buyout
1 暴怒者假面斗篷 - Sold for 2427 per via Max Buyout
19 回春侍僧斗篷 - Sold for 53 per via Max Buyout
10 回春侍僧斗篷 - Sold for 85 per via Max Buyout
2 黄麻补丁 - Sold for 31 per via Max Buyout
1 丝绸补丁 - Sold for 503 per via Max Buyout

The API key you enter needs 'inventories' permissions for bank items and 'unlocks' for recipes.
You can generate a key here.

Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.

Name of an item and its per unit cost.
Remaining Cost


羊毛线轴 (16 per from Vendor)
丝绸线轴 (48 per from Vendor)
黄麻线轴 (8 per from Vendor)
亚麻线轴 (32 per from Vendor)
棉布线轴 (24 per from Vendor)


672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor
672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor

Total : 1344
Remaining Cost

COLLECTIBLES(Check Bank First or Buy on TP)

黄麻碎料 (34 per)
生皮皮革边料 (17 per)
薄皮皮革边料 (27 per)
厚实皮革边料 (47 per)
粗糙皮革边料 (50 per)
耐磨皮革边料 (206 per)
羊毛碎料 (92 per)
棉布碎料 (21 per)
亚麻碎料 (71 per)
丝绸碎料 (18 per)
微型毒囊 (5 per)
小型毒囊 (67 per)
强效毒囊 (67 per)
光滑鳞片 (380 per)
大型鳞片 (67 per)
弱效血瓶 (5 per)
稀薄血瓶 (71 per)
微型图腾 (5 per)
中型图腾 (314 per)
雕蚀图腾 (390 per)


Tier 1. Levels 0-75:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
186 黄麻碎料 (34 per)
206 生皮皮革边料 (17 per)
223 黄麻线轴 (8 per)
64 微型毒囊 (5 per)
6 弱效血瓶 (5 per)
39 微型图腾 (5 per)

Cost: 12155 (Rolling Total: 12155)

Level: 0

Make:103 拉伸生皮皮革片
Make: 93 黄麻布卷
Make: 2 黄麻绑臂绑带
Make: 2 黄麻绑臂垫料
Make: 2 威能黄麻徽章

黄麻绑臂绑带 (1)
黄麻绑臂垫料 (1)
威能黄麻徽章 (1)

Make: 1 威能绣边绑臂

Level: 25

Make: 13 黄麻帽甲绑带
Make: 13 黄麻帽甲垫料
Make: 13 治愈黄麻徽章

黄麻帽甲绑带 (1)
黄麻帽甲垫料 (1)
治愈黄麻徽章 (1)

Make: 12 治愈绣边面具

Level: 50

Make: 2 黄麻补丁 (Produces 5 per make)
Make: 8 黄麻肩章垫料
Make: 8 黄麻肩章嵌板
Make: 8 恶意绣边黄麻徽章

黄麻肩章垫料 (1)
黄麻肩章嵌板 (1)
恶意绣边黄麻徽章 (1)

Make: 7 恶意绣边斗篷

Tier 2. Levels 75-150:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
258 薄皮皮革边料 (27 per)
234 羊毛碎料 (92 per)
279 羊毛线轴 (16 per)
80 小型毒囊 (67 per)
57 稀薄血瓶 (71 per)

Cost: 42365 (Rolling Total: 54520)

Level: 75

Make:129 熟化薄皮皮革片
Make:117 羊毛布卷
Make: 29 羊毛手套嵌板
Make: 29 羊毛手套垫料


Make: 19 强力羊毛徽章

羊毛手套嵌板 (1)
羊毛手套垫料 (1)
强力羊毛徽章 (1)

Make: 18 强力生徒手套


Make: 2 羊毛补丁 (Produces 5 per make)
Make: 10 肆虐绣边羊毛徽章

羊毛手套嵌板 (1)
羊毛手套垫料 (1)
肆虐绣边羊毛徽章 (1)

Make: 9 肆虐生徒手套

Tier 3. Levels 150-225:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
258 粗糙皮革边料 (50 per)
234 棉布碎料 (21 per)
279 棉布线轴 (24 per)
137 中型图腾 (314 per)

Cost: 67528 (Rolling Total: 122048)


Make:129 熟化粗糙皮革片
Make:117 棉布布卷
Make: 29 棉布肩章垫料
Make: 29 棉布肩章嵌板


Make: 19 回春棉布徽章

棉布肩章垫料 (1)
棉布肩章嵌板 (1)
回春棉布徽章 (1)

Make: 18 回春侍僧斗篷


Make: 2 棉布补丁 (Produces 5 per make)
Make: 10 回春绣边棉布徽章

棉布肩章垫料 (1)
棉布肩章嵌板 (1)
回春绣边棉布徽章 (1)

Make: 9 回春侍僧斗篷

Tier 4. Levels 225-300:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
238 耐磨皮革边料 (206 per)
294 亚麻碎料 (71 per)
299 亚麻线轴 (32 per)
80 光滑鳞片 (380 per)
57 雕蚀图腾 (390 per)

Cost: 132100 (Rolling Total: 254148)


Make:147 亚麻布卷
Make:119 熟化耐磨皮革片
Make: 19 亚麻头盔绑带
Make: 19 亚麻头盔垫料
Make: 10 亚麻长裤嵌板
Make: 10 亚麻长裤内衬


Make: 19 传教士亚麻徽章

亚麻头盔绑带 (1)
亚麻头盔垫料 (1)
传教士亚麻徽章 (1)

Make: 18 传教士飞翼帽甲


Make: 2 亚麻补丁 (Produces 5 per make)
Make: 10 骑士绣边亚麻徽章

亚麻长裤嵌板 (1)
亚麻长裤内衬 (1)
骑士绣边亚麻徽章 (1)

Make: 9 骑士飞翼长裤

Tier 5. Levels 300-400:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
572 厚实皮革边料 (47 per)
387 丝绸碎料 (18 per)
308 丝绸线轴 (48 per)
102 强效毒囊 (67 per)
102 大型鳞片 (67 per)

Cost: 62302 (Rolling Total: 316450)


Make:143 熟化厚实皮革片
Make:129 丝绸布卷
Make: 30 丝绸头盔绑带
Make: 30 丝绸头盔垫料
Make: 2 丝绸手套嵌板
Make: 2 丝绸手套垫料
Make: 1 丝绸肩章垫料
Make: 1 丝绸肩章嵌板


Make: 19 暴怒者丝绸徽章

丝绸头盔绑带 (1)
丝绸头盔垫料 (1)
暴怒者丝绸徽章 (1)

Make: 18 暴怒者轻羽帽甲


Make: 4 丝绸补丁 (Produces 5 per make)
Make: 9 骑士绣边丝绸徽章

丝绸头盔绑带 (1)
丝绸头盔垫料 (1)
骑士绣边丝绸徽章 (1)

Make: 8 骑士轻羽帽甲


Make: 3 暴怒者精致丝绸徽章
Make: 2 骑士精致丝绸徽章

丝绸头盔绑带 (1)
丝绸头盔垫料 (1)
暴怒者精致丝绸徽章 (1)


丝绸头盔绑带 (1)
丝绸头盔垫料 (1)
骑士精致丝绸徽章 (1)


丝绸手套嵌板 (1)
丝绸手套垫料 (1)
暴怒者精致丝绸徽章 (1)


丝绸手套嵌板 (1)
丝绸手套垫料 (1)
骑士精致丝绸徽章 (1)


丝绸肩章垫料 (1)
丝绸肩章嵌板 (1)
暴怒者精致丝绸徽章 (1)


Nothing. You are done!