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Please email me at if you would like your guild listed here. The following guild(s) have the necessary crafting recipes unlocked and are accepting guests:
Hearth of Owl [HoO] is grateful to share our scribing station with all scribes-in-training. We are an NA guild, but still totally open to accepting EU members for scribing.
We are an experienced PvE guild that shares knowledge and resources to help new and returning players get acclimated to the vast, ever-changing world of Tyria. We strive for a friendly and spoiler-free environment.
Otherwise, whisper or send an in-game mail to receive an invite. ecstaseed.2109 sturmblitzz.9254 archangel.4027
The Sun Keepers [SUN] is a maxed(69 lvl) EU guild
No discord link but people can whisper or send in-game mail to eniki.7206, dread.1795, or Bioowolf.6978 for invite
Note, “Auto Turrets” in the guide are called “Gate Turrets” in game. (API error)
Tip, If you are scribing a certain item but it does not complete (you do not get experience and no materials are used) the processing stack is full (250 of each item is max). To fix the issue, go to the processor and process the items you wanted to craft + wait until they are done. Then you can scribe your items. Keep in mind that you need to have the "edit assembly queue" guild permission in oder to be able to do this. Alternatively you can ask your guild leader (or someone with this permission) to do it for you.
Guild unlocks
Most of the items the guide recommends you to scribe are guild unlocked recipes (see below for a list + alternatives). Your guild needs to have these unlocked before you can see them as recipes and scribe them. If your guild does not have them unlocked yet, you temporarily join another guild (for example “The rising falcons [RiFa]”, see below) that has the unlocks and scribe them in their hall.
Decoration crafting, required guild permissions and tips
The guide shows you the cheapest way to level up. Due to the recipes it is not likely decorations will be included, However if they are, OR if you want to level up through crafting decorations, you will need the following permissions form your guild leader to do so:
- Use placeable (so you use decorations that the guild has for scribing)
- edit assembly queue (so you can finish the decoration by adding it in the processor after which you can, depending on the decoration, also use it again for scribing at a higher level)
After scribing your decorations, go to the processor (near the crafting stations in both halls) and queue the decorations you just crafted to complete them (takes 30 sec / item). Some additional decoration crafting tips:
1 You can buy basic decorations at the decorations vendor for 24 silver each if your guild has it unlocked. You can always buy them at the master scribe for 50 silver each (even if your guild does not have any decoration vendor unlocked).
2 Some basic decorations can only be obtained from the guild trader (guild trader 4 or higher) for guild commendations.
3 some basic decorations can only be obtained from the decoration trader during certain in game events, for example snow piles from wintersday, pumpkins from Halloween, red lanterns from lunar new year, furniture coins to buy super cloud from SAB festival OR drops from bosses (basically for all the bronze, silver and gold trophies).
Guild unlock List and alternatives for each scribe level range:
The guide will always show you the cheapest option. However, it could be that you lack that unlock in your guild but have another one that you could use instead. See this list for alternatives at each crafting level.
Lv 0-25 refine
Lv 25-50 WvW - Minor Supply Drop
Lv 50-75 Guild Banquet Schematic
Lv 75-100 refine
Lv 100-125 Guild Gathering Boost Banner Schematic#, Guild World Event Schematic, Sabotage Depot
Lv 125-150 Guild Karma Banner Schematic*, Guild Experience Banner Schematic*
Lv 150-175 refine Guild Road Marker Schematic#
Lv 175-200 Guild Gold Gain Banner Schematic, Hardened Gates, Invulnerable Dolyaks, Speedy Dolyaks
Lv200-225 Guild Karma and Experience Banner Schematic *, turtle Banner, Iron guards, Guild Ballista Blueprints, Guild Arrow cart Blue prints
Lv 225-250 refine
Lv 250-275 Guild Gathering and Swiftness Banner Schematic#, Packed Dolyaks, Centaur Banner
Lv 275-300 no guild unlocked recipes at this level
Lv 300-325 refine
Lv 325-350 Invulnerable Fortifications. refine leather into book covers as alternative
Lv 350-375 Vault Transport, Emergency Waypoint, Gate Turrets (in guide listed as “Auto Turrets”)
Lv375-400 Watchtower, Presence of the Keep
* = these are related, you need 1 karma and 1 experience banner to craft 1 karma and Experience banner
# = these are related, you need 1 Gathering boost banner and 1 Road marker to craft 1 Guild Gathering and swiftness banner.
My guild lacks the unlocks/will not give me permissions to level up my scribe
If your guild is missing the guild unlocks (and alternatives) you can “visit” (temporarily join) a guild that has them unlocked so you can level your scribe in their hall. Just keep in mind that all the guild related itmes (banners, WvW items and decorations) that your craft in that guild hall, will stay in the guildhall that you are visiting.
RiFa appears to be defunct, you should use a guild listed at the beginning of this page.
The Rising Falcons[RiFa] and the scribe guide History
Ever since Vin Lady Venture made the first static (now outdated) scribe together with Dulfy and found out that the guild unlocked scribe recipes could help leveling scribes safe a lot of gold He opened up the guild “The rising Falcons[RiFa]” for scribes who wanted to level up and RiFa has continued to run this service ever since. While the original guide has now been replaced by the much more advanced and up to date guide that you see here, made by xanthic.9478, RiFa is still accepting scribes who do not have access to (all of) the guild unlocked recipes. It is a casual relaxed guild that offers this service to anyone who likes to level his/her scribe, free of charge. While RiFa is an EU based guild, US based players can also use the service and unlocks. The only thing is that you cannot see any of the main guild members.
You can send an in game mail to Vin lady venture (Rin of Rivvinda.4971) for an invite in RiFa, just make sure you have at least 1 free guild slot and you should be invited within 24 hours.
12 Sello menor de agilidad - Cada unidad a 46 en el Bazar
1 Mandato de velocidad básica - Cada unidad a 3525 en el Bazar
1 Mandato de malicia calculada - Cada unidad a 1574 en el Bazar
8 Sello mayor de agilidad - Cada unidad a 119 en el Bazar
The API key you enter needs 'inventories' permissions for bank items and 'unlocks' for recipes. You can generate a key here.
Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.
Name of an item and its per unit cost.
Remaining Cost
Comprar a Mercader
Jarra de agua (8 unidad from un Mercader)
Runa menor de sujeción (496 unidad from un Mercader)
Trozo de carbón (16 unidad from un Mercader)
Estructura para mochila de artesano (8 unidad from un Mercader)
Botella cristalina (32 unidad from un Mercader)
Remaining Cost
COLECCIONABLES(en el banco o en el bazar)
Mineral de cobre (55 unidad)
Mineral de oro (40 unidad)
Mineral de hierro (114 unidad)
Mineral de mithril (40 unidad)
Mineral de platino (173 unidad)
Mineral de plata (17 unidad)
Resto de yute (11 unidad)
Leño de madera ancestral (26 unidad)
Leño de madera verde (28 unidad)
Leño de madera sólida (152 unidad)
Leño de madera blanda (27 unidad)
Leño de madera curtida (98 unidad)
Resto de lana (28 unidad)
Resto de algodón (10 unidad)
Resto de lino (33 unidad)
Resto de seda (14 unidad)
Montón de polvo brillante (75 unidad)
Montón de polvo destellante (295 unidad)
Montón de polvo radiante (800 unidad)
Montón de polvo luminoso (880 unidad)
Montón de polvo incandescente (166 unidad)
Vesícula de veneno llena (356 unidad)
Zanahoria (154 unidad)
Patata (46 unidad)
Lechuga (166 unidad)
Remaining Cost
Mixto (comprar en el bazar)
Piedra imán mordrem (130 unidad)
Triza resonante (5 unidad)
Insignia de tributo (1223 unidad)
Morral de pigmento rojo (29 unidad)
Morral de pigmento amarillo (26 unidad)
Espina puntiaguda (17 unidad)
Saco de comida para dolyak (4494 unidad)
Morral de pigmento marrón (70 unidad)
Fibra de lino (350 unidad)
Morral de pigmento naranja (50 unidad)
Morral de pigmento azul (25 unidad)
Mapa estratégico de defensa de la Niebla (129 unidad)
Morral de pigmento morado (23 unidad)
Mota luminosa (97 unidad)
Símbolo de mejora (807 unidad)
Rango 1, Niveles 0-75:
Nota: Si usas la guía entera ya has comprado estos materiales. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
180Jarra de agua (8 unidad)
240Mineral de cobre (55 unidad)
840Resto de yute (11 unidad)
1380Leño de madera verde (28 unidad)
200Montón de polvo brillante (75 unidad)
40Botella cristalina (32 unidad)
12Piedra imán mordrem (130 unidad)
40Triza resonante (5 unidad)
120Morral de pigmento marrón (70 unidad)
120Mota luminosa (97 unidad)
12Símbolo de mejora (807 unidad)
Coste: 110284 (Coste acumulado: 110284)
Nivel: 0
Crea:472 Tabla de madera verde
Crea:426 Haz de yute
Crea:146 Pulpa de madera verde
Crea:138 Lingote de cobre
Crea: 52 Montón de cristal luminoso
Crea: 46 Taco de madera verde
Crea:146 Hoja de papel basto
Crea:110 Saco de suministros de lino
Crea: 46 Kit de escriba sencillo
Crea: 46 Saco de polvo secante brillante
Crea: 46 Pluma de madera verde
Crea: 46 Plumín de cobre
Crea: 46 Juego de tinta sencillo
Crea: 28 Saco de comida para dolyak
Crea: 6 Herramientas de escriba sencillas
Crea: 6 Mochila de escriba sencilla
Nivel: 25
Piedra imán mordrem (1)
Kit de escriba sencillo (1)
Símbolo de mejora (1)
Montón de cristal luminoso (1)
Crea: 11 Sello menor de agilidad
Nivel: 50
Crea: 28 Banquete de clan
Rango 2, Niveles 75-150:
Nota: Si usas la guía entera ya has comprado estos materiales. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
32Jarra de agua (8 unidad)
84Mineral de plata (17 unidad)
124Leño de madera blanda (27 unidad)
96Resto de lana (28 unidad)
70Montón de polvo destellante (295 unidad)
14Botella cristalina (32 unidad)
8Piedra imán mordrem (130 unidad)
14Triza resonante (5 unidad)
42Morral de pigmento rojo (29 unidad)
400Mota luminosa (97 unidad)
8Símbolo de mejora (807 unidad)
Coste: 76402 (Coste acumulado: 186686)
Nivel: 75
Crea: 92 Tabla de madera blanda
Crea: 70 Haz de lana
Crea: 66 Lingote de plata
Crea: 30 Pulpa de madera blanda
Crea: 22 Taco de madera blanda
Crea: 30 Hoja de papel tosco
Crea: 22 Kit de escriba básico
Crea: 22 Pluma de madera blanda
Crea: 22 Plumín de plata
Crea: 22 Juego de tinta básico
Crea: 22 Saco de polvo secante destellante
Crea: 6 Herramientas de escriba resistentes
Crea: 6 Mochila de escriba resistente
Crea: 26 Caja de suministros de estandarte
Crea: 8 Estandarte de recolección de clan
Piedra imán mordrem (1)
Kit de escriba básico (1)
Símbolo de mejora (1)
Montón de cristal luminoso (5)
Crea: 7 Sello mayor de agilidad
Rango 3, Niveles 150-225:
Nota: Si usas la guía entera ya has comprado estos materiales. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
168Mineral de hierro (114 unidad)
84Leño de madera curtida (98 unidad)
56Trozo de carbón (16 unidad)
21Triza resonante (5 unidad)
49Insignia de tributo (1223 unidad)
21Saco de comida para dolyak (4494 unidad)
Coste: 182686 (Coste acumulado: 369372)
Crea: 58 Tabla de madera curtida
Crea: 56 Lingote de acero
Crea: 40 Pulpa de madera curtida
Crea: 24 Lingote de oro
Crea: 22 Haz de algodón
Crea: 8 Taco de madera curtida
Crea: 28 Lámina de refuerzo de acero
Crea: 26 Saco de energía radiante
Crea: 12 Hoja de papel selecto
Crea: 8 Kit de escriba selecto
Crea: 8 Saco de polvo secante radiante
Crea: 8 Pluma de madera curtida
Crea: 8 Plumín de oro
Crea: 8 Juego de tinta selecto
Crea: 6 Herramientas de escriba prácticas
Crea: 6 Mochila de escriba práctica
Crea: 2 Indicador de ruta de clan
Crea: 21 Dolyak invulnerables
Crea: 28 Planos de balista
Rango 4, Niveles 225-300:
Nota: Si usas la guía entera ya has comprado estos materiales. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
76Jarra de agua (8 unidad)
36Mineral de cobre (55 unidad)
48Mineral de oro (40 unidad)
60Mineral de platino (173 unidad)
48Mineral de plata (17 unidad)
12Resto de yute (11 unidad)
166Leño de madera verde (28 unidad)
72Leño de madera sólida (152 unidad)
190Leño de madera blanda (27 unidad)
220Leño de madera curtida (98 unidad)
44Resto de lana (28 unidad)
44Resto de algodón (10 unidad)
28Resto de lino (33 unidad)
30Montón de polvo brillante (75 unidad)
170Montón de polvo destellante (295 unidad)
170Montón de polvo radiante (800 unidad)
50Montón de polvo luminoso (880 unidad)
1Vesícula de veneno llena (356 unidad)
6Estructura para mochila de artesano (8 unidad)
42Botella cristalina (32 unidad)
59Triza resonante (5 unidad)
26Insignia de tributo (1223 unidad)
24Morral de pigmento rojo (29 unidad)
24Morral de pigmento amarillo (26 unidad)
1Espina puntiaguda (17 unidad)
18Morral de pigmento marrón (70 unidad)
312Fibra de lino (350 unidad)
30Morral de pigmento azul (25 unidad)
Coste: 439502 (Coste acumulado: 808874)
Crea: 30 Lingote de platino
Crea: 24 Tabla de madera sólida
Crea: 14 Haz de lino
Crea: 14 Pulpa de madera sólida
Crea: 10 Taco de madera sólida
Crea: 14 Hoja de papel suave
Crea: 10 Kit de escriba de titulado
Crea: 10 Pluma de madera sólida
Crea: 10 Plumín de platino
Crea: 10 Saco de polvo secante luminoso
Crea: 10 Juego de tinta de titulado
Hoja de papel suave (1)
Kit de escriba de titulado (1)
Espina puntiaguda (1)
Vesícula de veneno llena (1)
Hoja de papel suave (1)
Kit de escriba de titulado (1)
Crea: 1 Caja de suministros de escriba titulado
Crea: 2 Estandarte de celeridad y recolección de clan
Crea: 26 Estandarte de centauro
Crea: 6 Herramientas de escriba intrincadas
Crea: 6 Mochila de escriba intrincada
Rango 5, Niveles 300-400:
Nota: Si usas la guía entera ya has comprado estos materiales. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
84Zanahoria (154 unidad)
84Patata (46 unidad)
112Jarra de agua (8 unidad)
84Lechuga (166 unidad)
28Runa menor de sujeción (496 unidad)
280Mineral de mithril (40 unidad)
336Leño de madera ancestral (26 unidad)
252Resto de seda (14 unidad)
112Montón de polvo luminoso (880 unidad)
308Montón de polvo incandescente (166 unidad)
56Botella cristalina (32 unidad)
84Triza resonante (5 unidad)
84Insignia de tributo (1223 unidad)
1008Fibra de lino (350 unidad)
84Morral de pigmento naranja (50 unidad)
28Mapa estratégico de defensa de la Niebla (129 unidad)