Do not refresh this page. It may change. Updated: 2024-12-03T16:00+00:00

Archive Link(Good for 3 months)

NA/EU price data only
Notice: you are following a Core guide. Click here for a F2P account guide.
Whenever you see this ARROW you can click for more information

Normal Guides

Initial Cost
Expected Recovery
- 132
Expected Final Cost

2 碗装香草鸟肉汤 - Sold for 486 per via Max Buyout
1 灵魂蛋糕 - Sold for 132 per via Max Buyout

The API key you enter needs 'inventories' permissions for bank items and 'unlocks' for recipes.
You can generate a key here.

Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.

Name of an item and its per unit cost.
Remaining Cost


Note: 11 Basil Leaf(e.g.) means buy 1 bulk Basil Leaf and you will have 14 left over

77 per 25
Shelp - Degun Shun(Blazeridge Steppes 40-50)
112 per 25
Lionscout Tunnira - Archen Foreland(Bloodtide Coast 45-55)
154 per 25
Environmental Activist Jenrys - Judgement Rock(Mount Maelstrom 60-70)
112 per 25
Ichtaca - Hunting Banks(Timberline Falls 50-60)
35 per 25
Master Craftsman or Vendor
49 per 25
Master Craftsman or Vendor
35 per 25
Master Craftsman or Vendor
77 per 25
Master Craftsman or Vendor
瓶装黄酒 (16 per from Vendor)
袋装面粉 (8 per from Vendor)
发酵粉包 (8 per from Vendor)
盐包 (8 per from Vendor)
袋装白糖 (8 per from Vendor)
罐装水 (8 per from Vendor)
罐装植物油 (8 per from Vendor)

Total : 651
Remaining Cost

COLLECTIBLES(Check Bank First or Buy on TP)

怪异莓 (113 per)
胡萝卜 (169 per)
黄油棒 (374 per)
洋葱 (205 per)
(276 per)
雪地松露 (73 per)
蘑菇 (128 per)
大蒜头 (141 per)
香草豆 (219 per)
黑胡椒 (193 per)
鼠尾草叶 (220 per)
月桂叶 (45 per)
百里香叶 (166 per)
红辣椒 (52 per)
洋菇 (41 per)
迷迭香嫩叶 (152 per)
卡宴辣椒 (141 per)
芦笋茎 (109 per)
冬南瓜 (25 per)
厚红肉 (207 per)
厚鸟肉 (895 per)
Remaining Cost

Mixed (Buy on TP)

碗装香草鸟肉汤 (1119 per)
碗装香草蔬菜汤 (600 per)
欧尔松露 (267 per)
柠檬草 (35 per)



Make: 4 椒盐堆
Make: 1 碗装鸟肉汤
Make: 4 碗装烘焙师干料
Make: 6 碗装烘焙师湿料
Make: 1 碗装香草鸟肉汤
Make: 1 简易汤煲药草堆
Make: 4 干煸风味杂烩堆
Make: 8 碗装蘑菇拌饭
Make: 8 碗装拌饭底料
Make: 8 碗装豪华爆炒辛香杂烩
Make: 4 碟装芦笋牛排
Make: 4 碗装爆炒茄子
Make: 4 碟装芦笋牛排晚宴



碗装烘焙师干料 (1)
碗装烘焙师湿料 (1)
怪异莓羹 (1)


怪异莓 (1)
袋装白糖 (1)


雪地松露 (1)
碗装蘑菇拌饭 (1)
欧尔松露 (1)


椰子 (1)
碗装香草蔬菜汤 (1)
冬南瓜 (1)
罐装红咖喱酱 (1)

Make: 3 怪异莓棒
Make: 3 怪异莓羹
Make: 7 碗装松露拌饭
Make: 3 碗装咖喱冬南瓜汤
Make: 4 罐装红咖喱酱



怪异莓 (3)
袋装面粉 (4)
袋装白糖 (2)
碗装烘焙师湿料 (2)

Make: 8 厨师品尝盘


Nothing. You are done!